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What we do

We prioritise community engagement and create incentives to conserve forest through long term performance


To combat climate change, we need to protect our forests. To protect our forests, we need to invest in people.

At BCP, we understand that to protect Zambia’s forests and iconic wildlife, we must form trusted community partnerships. We do this by prioritizing community engagement and creating incentives to conserve forest through long term performance based habitat protection agreements.


A market based approach to combat climate change

Trees store carbon. When they are cut down, they release harmful carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere which contribute to climate change. We measure the trees being protected and calculate the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that would have been released if these trees were cut down without our project. These avoided emissions are confirmed by independent, external audits against international standards.

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REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) is a mechanism designed to reduce global emissions caused from deforestation by creating financial value from the protection of carbon stored in forests.

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How we make a difference

Step One

Trees store carbon

Trees store carbon. When a tree is cut down that carbon is released as carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.


Step Two

Protecting communities

Under FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent) we work hand in hand with communities to help them protect their forests using the BCP model.


Step Three

Measuring through rigorous scientific processes

Forest carbon and potential carbon dioxide emissions from deforestation are measured through rigorous scientific processes and verified to the highest standards by independent international auditors.


Step Four

Forest Carbon Offsets

We market and sell verified emissions reductions as 'Forest Carbon Offsets' to companies and individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint.


Step Five

Invest back into communities

Revenue from the sale of offsets is invested back into communities, creating a more prosperous future through sustainable livelihoods and enterprises, and improved access to social services such as education, healthcare and clean water.


Step Six

Protecting wildlife

Communities have an incentive to protect their forests and wildlife.

Lower Zambezi
REDD+ Project
Community Forests Project